ElderCare Transitions

Helping Families Find Home

ElderCare Transitions

Talking About Senior Moments

November 1, 2016 · 15 Comments

Let’s talk about…”Senior Moments.”

Now this is a phrase that is growing in popularity and one that is recognized across generations – “Senior Moment.”   You may have used the phrase yourself – perhaps when you couldn’t find your car keys or couldn’t remember why you walked into a room.  I could offer many examples but you understand the point.  The question becomes - when is it simply a “senior moment” and when is it something more significant? 


Understanding and differentiating natural changes within the aging process, memory loss, and possible presence of dementia requires the help of professionals.  There are several screening and/or assessment tools that are used to determine if you or your loved one is having something more than a “senior moment”.  One of the most recognizable is the Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE).  Many physicians and their staff will incorporate this exam into their routine physicals with elderly clients or those they suspect may be experiencing cognitive changes – a condition sometimes referred to as Mild Cognitive Impairment.  Another tool that some consider a more sensitive instrument is the St. Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS) Examination.  The SLUMS provides a scoring range for normal, mild neurocognitive disorder or dementia and has some sensitivity based on the individual’s level of education. Both exams are brief and are meant to be only screening tools.  


If the results from either test suggest the presence of cognitive impairment and/or dementia, a thorough assessment should be completed.  By identifying skills that are diminished AND skills that remain intact, a plan can be developed that will enhance an individual’s ability to participate in life with purpose and dignity.


If you need help starting the conversation, let’s talk!


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