ElderCare Transitions

Helping Families Find Home

ElderCare Transitions

Why Tuesday?

September 20, 2016 · 14559 Comments

Let’s talk about… Why Tuesday?

Caring for a spouse or a parent can be stressful.  That is simply a fact.  That’s not to say that anyone who is a caregiver isn’t also feeling great satisfaction and joy - but neither of those feelings eliminate the presence of stress.  That said, weekends can be particularly stressful.  Schedules are less structured, activities are more numerous, support from family and friends may diminish and for a multitude of reasons, the stress levels can increase.  At the end of a busy or hectic weekend, take a day to calm down or re-group.

On the flip side – you may have enjoyed a wonderful weekend!  Family and friends may have visited, everyone’s moods were upbeat and happy - take the time to let those feelings settle around you.  Problems that need to be addressed can wait one more day.

Let’s talk on Tuesday!


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